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Melissa McIntosh is the Federal Member for Lindsay. At the Federal election of 2019, Melissa was the only Liberal candidate in New South Wales to take a seat from Labor, with a 7.16% swing. Melissa began her political career working for the former Member for Lindsay, the Hon Jackie Kelly.
Following this, Melissa worked for Former Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard OM AC. Melissa has worked as a Chief of Staff to the former Assistant Treasurer and at the United States Studies Centre where she started her own think tank program at the centre; W21, the 21st century global women's initiative, allowed Melissa to explore important issues around women and work, and to work with the world's best academics in this space.
As a former small business owner and having raised a family, Melissa understand the importance of backing small businesses and investing in local infrastructure in Western Sydney. As one of the 300,000 people commuting out of Western Sydney every single day for over ten years, Melissa also understands why it is so important to make sure we keep local jobs right here. In 2018-19, Melissa ran a community campaign to deliver funding for the upgrade of Dunheved Road. This road has significant safety and congestion concerns and many residents supported critical infrastructure upgrade. This campaign was so successful that at the 2019 Federal election rally in Western Sydney, the Prime Minister announced the first half of the funding.
Melissa worked relentlessly and advocated to the Prime Minister, Treasurer and Minister for Urban Infrastructure and last year, secured the additional $67.5 million for the full upgrade of Dunheved Road. In addition, Melissa has delivered over $15 million for critical mental health and rehabilitation hubs in the Nepean and $1.2 million for the Penrith Valley Regional Sport Centre for critical sports upgrades. Melissa has advocated for and delivered critical funding for the Penrith Women’s Health Centre for more caseworkers and early intervention programs such as the Penrith PCYC’s Mums and Bubs Program.
Melissa has also secured funding for programs such as the Dependence to Independence jobs program that ensures young people are connected with mentorship and training to enter the workforce. The delivery of a much needed van at the Cranebrook Breakfast Club has meant more children are provided with meals, support and transport to and from school. Last year, Melissa and then Minister for Jobs hosted the Penrith Jobs Fair with over 4,000 people attending. This fair connected many aspiring job seekers with opportunities to work with the Defences Forces and private sectors. Melissa has created the Lindsay Jobs of the Future Forum, the Advancing Manufacturing Taskforce, the Lindsay Small Business Network and the Lindsay Healthy Active Living Network.
The Advancing Manufacturing Taskforce was established by Melissa and is the only Taskforce to work on bringing manufacturing back to Western Sydney. The Lindsay Jobs of the Future Forum is making sure we are training our young people to be prepared for the exciting opportunities in emerging industries. The Morrison Government’s $5.3 billion investment in the Western Sydney International Airport and Aerotropolis precinct will be the hub of advanced manufacturing, science, research, defence industry and more. The Lindsay Healthy Active Living Network is working with the Western Sydney local health community to deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes and driving Melissa’s campaign for Penrith’s own City to Lakes fun run and walk. Melissa is passionate about ensuring we create more local jobs, for local people.
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