Apply Now for Round 9 – Stronger Communities Programme (SCP9)

The objective of the Stronger Communities Programme is to fund small capital projects which will deliver social benefits. There are significant changes to eligible projects in this round. Please ensure you read the guidelines before submitting an expression of interest form. The program aims to improve local community participation, cohesion and contribute to vibrant and viable communities.  

Key aspects of the program

  • Please submit an expression of interest form of your proposed project to my office by 5:00pm, Friday, 14 February 2025.
  • Grants of between $2,500 and up to a maximum of $20,000 are available.  There is a total funding pool of $150,000 for the Lindsay electorate.
  • Grant funding will be up to 100 per cent of eligible project costs except for local governing bodies where grant funding will be up to 50 per cent of eligible project costs.

Eligible Projects

Project activities must directly align and give effect to at least one of the objectives of the program. The list is extensive so please refer to pages 9-11 in the guidelines. Examples of projects that may be funded include:

  • build, fit out, alterations and/or extensions to a tourism premise available to interstate or overseas tourists
  • information signage of people, places, of natural local significance
  • upgrades to existing or installation of new war memorials
  • build, fit out, alterations and/or extensions to a premise specifically available to support Veterans and/or Defence Force members and their families 
  • establish new or update to a website/social media presence to support and/or commemorate veterans and Defence Force members and their families and communities
  • upgrade of facilities to provide inclusive access
  • new or upgrades to disability access and or amenities in public buildings or facilities
  • the purchase of:
    • assets such as furniture, TVs and equipment, motor vehicles purchase or upgrade of ICT hardware including:
    • computers, associated software and user licenses
    • tablets, printers or photocopiers that remain the property of the applicant.
    • significant upgrades of websites or applications/application software, e.g. booking systems, digital marketplace, accessibility improvements, cyber security
    • significant updates of existing ICT systems including:
    • CRM systems, databases etc.
    • the cost of initial subscription-based software
    • initial IT support memberships
    • warranty of the initial purchase, lease or hire of equipment required to complete eligible project activities
  • the purchase, lease or hire of equipment required to complete eligible project activities
  • the purchase of assets, equipment and materials required to complete eligible project activities.
  • Purchase, establish new or update to a website/social media presence
  • Upgrade to or construction of first aid rooms/spaces
  • Purchase and installation of defibrillator/s and or other first aid equipment, including first aid kits

How to apply:

  • Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the grant can be made by completing the form here EOI application and send to [email protected]
  • Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 5pm, Friday, 14 February 2025.
  • Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the program guidelines prior to applying. 

What is the process?

  • Submit an Expression of Interest Application (after you read the guidelines)
  • Expression of Interest Applications will be assessed by the Mitchell Stronger Communities Consultation Committee.
  • Expression of Interest Applications close Friday, 14 February 2025.
  • All successful and unsuccessful expression of interest applicants will be notified by my office via email.
  • Successful applicants will receive an email directly from the Stronger Communities Programme portal to complete a full submission of the project.


Please note approval of your Expression of Interest Application does not guarantee your project approval. Your full application will need to be assessed by the Department of Industry, Science and Resources.

If you have any questions, please send me an email [email protected] or call my office on (02) 4722 0600.


Yours sincerely

Melissa McIntosh MP
Federal Member for Lindsay